I would post pictures as well, but they're all on Tim's computer. So you'll just have to check Este Ecuador for what I'm sure will be a gut-grabbingly hilarious photo-journalistic spread from Tim who carried the camera during the race. His antics kept my attention off how painful the whole enterprise of running more than 6 miles actually is.
But really, like every racing experience I've had here in Quito, I was not disappointed as far as seeing some of the damnedest things you would NEVER see in a race in the States and I am so glad Tim took the camera to document so we would not forget: dude with the sponge on his butt, and old dude dressed all in white and a knit cap who growled "gracias por aplausa" to himself whenever someone cheered him on, and bags of water and plastic gatorade cups, or dudes sponsored by the sausage company, and dude wearing SHORT white shorts (and he was sweating lots), and giggly spectators, and renegade motivational speakers sprinting through the racers, and random bottles of water offered from lone spectators, and group aerobics warm-ups at the starting line, and pacer balloons, and the general sense of camaraderie and fun that characterize races here.
While we had a blast and the course was pretty easy, I couldn't help but thinking that a 1/2 marathon is the farthest I've raced so far. I've done a few of these, but nothing longer. And these things are not what I would call "easy." I am really going to have to be on my game if I want to pursue my goals.
I thought I gave myself a new knee injury Sunday. The back of my knee felt like it was about to be a serious problem. But now, on rest day #2, everything is good. I'm still a bit more sore in that calf than anywhere else. But overall, I'm feeling good and ready to go for a stretchy, easy, happy jog tomorrow. After which time I will begin my training plan. Seriously!